Legal Services

the highest standard

When purchasing an investment property we recommend using a legal firm that can reliably ensure the following criteria is met to the highest standards:


Checking the contract terms before the expiry of the cooling off period


Ensuring the client is satisfied with the terms of the finance being offered at the end of the “Subject to Finance” period


Overseeing the finance documentation and assisting with any refinance of the client’s existing property that may be involved


Attending to all the transfer documentation and required searches


Arranging settlement with the land vendor and the incoming financier


Providing full settlement details to the client after settlement

We have recommended legal firms in all states.

Contact us for details:


Any information in this website and the links provided are for general information only. It does not take into account your personal financial circumstances, needs and objectives. You should consider seeking specific advice in regards to your personal situation, from relevant licensed professionals, before proceeding with any strategy. Premium Holdings Pty Ltd is a licensed real estate company, specialising in property investment, with associations to independent legal, financial and taxation experts.

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